08 January 2012

The Butterfly House

After the jet-lag subsided a bit and the girls were feeling adventurous, we decided to leave all the yummy things on Mum's table for a while and venture into Dunedin City for a day of touristing. Now, when I say a 'day', what I really mean is that we had a couple of hours to burn before Charlotte turned into a pumpkin around 2pm because that is her normal nap time, and three days in she was already starting to get herself sorted on New Zealand time.

So, with that in mind (and the weather raining cats and dogs), we decided to head down to the Otago Museum: http://www.otagomuseum.govt.nz/discovery_world_tropical_forest.html.
What a cool place. I've been there once before, but this is the first time I have seen it through the eyes of a toddler. Talk about waking up one day with 20/20 vision!!! 
"WOW!" said Tig. "A Ma-mah-fy". A couple of the colourful little imps came and landed on her shoe.

According to the boffin that was running the place, there are around 1,000 imported tropical butterflies - some of which escape from time to time and eat the local rhododendrons. 
There is a waterfall that is three stories high and the Tropical Forest is also home to live tarantulas, turtles, finches, tourists (including us) and other hot-weather-happy inhabitants. 
Funny, 'Dunedin' and 'Hot Weather' are not traditionally words that go together.
Did I mention the butterflies? I'm telling you, there were BUTTERFLIES EVERYWHERE...
Here is a little clip so you can share in Charlotte's wonderment.
Thanks Otago Museum, that was cool.
From The Haligonians.

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