31 December 2011

Halifax to Dunedin in 80 days... (or at least, that's what it felt like to us!)

“Da-dah’s gone?” Charlotte asked me the morning that Will left for Australia, two weeks before we were to leave to meet him in New Zealand.

“Yes, Dad’s gone, but we are going to go and meet him in a few weeks”.  “me!” she would exclaim each time I would explain that we were going to see dad on a big airplane. “ha-ha-topter?”  no not a helicopter, on an airplane.

For the next two weeks, no matter where we were, Charlotte would tell anyone who would listen “da-dah’s gone!”, sometimes adding “Wool’s gone...”.  This happened at daycare, at the grocery store and just about any other time we were out running errands.  She would sometimes say it in such a distraught tone that I always felt the need to explain to people that dad hadn’t ‘left’ us, but rather he was simply away on a business trip. When I asked her if she would like to go and visit Dad soon, she emphatically replied, “Me!”

Finally the day came that I promised her - we were going to see Dad!  After packing for two weeks, readying a carry-on bag full of toddler snacks and entertainment and running every possible scenario through my head, we were prepared to leave for the airport Saturday December 3rd at 7:30am.  

First leg: Halifax to Toronto.  Somehow we lucked out and got the entire last row of the plane which was good for a restless toddler anxious to see her da-dah.

Second leg: Toronto to Los Angeles. After a brief layover in Pearson International, we were on our way to the United States. This time were weren't as lucky and had a single seat to share next to two reasonably large men.  Charlotte was not pleased with this arrangement and let the seat in front of us know it with more than occasional kick, (sorry whoever you are.)  After a long five hour flight wrestling her we finally arrived at LAX. Whew!

Note to self: Trim toddlers nails before trying to attempt restraining her on next flight; or end up looking like you tried to give a cat a bath.

This time our layover was a bit longer (6 hours) so we planned a snack, a bath and a bit of a nap at a nearby hotel.  When we arrived they were filming an episode of Glee in the hotel lobby. This would have been more exciting if we hadn’t already had plans before embarking on the third leg of our four leg journey. It included bubbles in a bathtub and nap under a fluffy duvet!

Third (and longest) leg: Los Angeles to Auckland. After what seemed like only an hour, we were back at the airport waiting to board Air New Zealand’s overnight flight from LAX to Auckland at 9:30pm (for those keeping track its still Saturday.) The pending flight being 15 hours door to door. "Uggghhhh," I thought to myself, "tough enough on a fairly well adjusted adult - this was likely to be a nightmare with an exhausted toddler." I gritted my teeth and braced myself for the nightmare to begin...

Thankfully, we were given a bassinet that was installed like a large canvas basket on the wall in front of my seat.  Charlotte quickly fell asleep in my arms shortly after dinner service allowing me to move her to the bassinet without waking her.

Though it was clearly small for her, she made it work, and much to my amazement and everyone around us, slept for nearly 9 hours (yes, 9 HOURS!) Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I dozed in the comfy new pod-seats of Premium Economy.
In fact, I actually woke up feeling refreshed and was able to enjoy breakfast service before Charlotte woke up for the breakfast service.

After finally arriving at Auckland airport (6:30am local time, on Monday - somewhere along the way, we lost Sunday!) we were faced with another long layover in Auckland. Damn, so close yet so much time to go.
The hotel in LA was great, so we quickly decided to head over to the Kiwi Airport Hotel... but not before grabbing a snack of apple slices for Charlotte and a ‘flat white’ for mum.
Mmmmmm, Aunty Lucy was right Tig. The coffee is much better here!
Ok, one more flat white and then we’ll go to the hotel...

After another welcome nap and a shower, we headed out for a strawberry ice cream at the strawberry farm nearby, before making our way back to the airport. At this point, Charlotte seems to be seriously doubting my promise of producing Dad, but the ice cream seems to be working as a reasonable consolation prize.

Last leg: Auckland to Dunedin. Back at the departure lounge while waiting for our flight to board, Charlotte walked around waving to everyone saying ‘bye-bye’ seeming to know the drill well at this point. That’s right Tiggy, next stop Dunedin!

Another two hours and we finally land at our destination at 4:30pm Monday.  Just as we are making our way from the gate Charlotte spots her Dad riding up the escalator. She threw her little arms up in the air and squealed with delight,


Finally mum makes good on her promise!

29 December 2011

Preparations for New Zealand Trip

Three weeks out from departing from Halifax for New Zealand, Michelle and I realised that Charlotte might need something to entertain herself during the 48 hours of sitting in planes and waiting in airport departure lounges.

Michelle was the one scheduled to travel with Charlotte alone as I was in Australia “on a job”, so she quickly got to work putting together some activities to entertain the two year old…
I looked in the bag of trick right before I left for Perth and this is what I found;
·         Sesame Street Colouring Books,
·         Crayola Crayons,
·         Play-doh,
·         Cookie Cutters,
·         Cookies, crackers and fruit, and of course,
·         A quantity of Apps downloaded onto Michelle’s new iPad.

Perhaps the funniest of all the preparations made was the realisation that there was in-flight entertainment but Charlotte hates having anything on her head.

The following sequence of photos shows Tig practising wearing headphones in Halifax in the event that she might find the Wiggles or Clifford the Big Red Dog on Air New Zealand’s program line up.

Elmo's World

I'm not one to use the television as a baby sitter, but let's face it; Jim Henson is a bloody legend. Without the Children's Television Workshop there would be no chance to catch up on the house work or sneak outside for a quiet cuppa.
I could go on and on about how Elmo, Cookie Monster and Abby Cadabby have captivated our daughter's imagination and are slowly teaching her the A, B, C's and 1, 2, 3's; but given that Charlotte (gratefully) received FOUR Elmo's and THREE Cookie's dolls for Christmas - I don't think you need much of an explanation.

Check out this clip of Charlotte (sitting in her new push chair bough specially for travelling to New Zealand), eating Cheerios and watching the beginning of Elmo's World...
If you listen carefully, you can even hear her say 'hello' to Elmo's pet goldfish, Dorothy!

"Hi everybody! Elmo's so happy to see you."

Cleanliness is next to Tiggy-ness

As if it wasn't bad enough that Charlotte likes to wipe the tray of her high chair after dinner and has started emptying the dishwasher for her Mum; we have now discovered that she's into mopping the lino too...
...perhaps there's some Joan Pinfold or Kim Taylor in her after all.

Tiggy’s Tinkles

Ok, I know what you’re thinking. Charlotte is still a little bit young for us to be expecting her to be potty trained, but this is how it is. All the big kids at Day Care have their own pot (with name tags to boot), so we thought Charlotte should have one too.

Well, talk about the new favourite toy!

No sooner had we got the potty home, did Charlotte crank into ‘Self Potty Training Mode’. The kid spent a good part of the first week dragging it all around the house and parading it to everyone who walked through the door.

She practiced sitting in it fully dressed, she practiced sitting in it with just naps, and the other day guess what; she climbed on right before her bath and behold…
Tiggy tinkled!!!

We know full well that this picture will be somewhat embarrassing to Charlotte as she gets older, but our baby just went potty on her own, and check it out;
Mum was so proud!
Anyway poppet, that’s all we’ll say about it for now because you’ll be in your Elmo Diapers for a little while yet, but at least you go to a Day Care where toilet training comes as part of the sticker price.

Good one kid, now all you have to do is remember to put the seat back down like Mum asked you too ;)

Love Dad, xx

A Fall Song

by Ellen Robena Field
Golden and red trees
Nod to the soft breeze,
As it whispers, "Winter is near;"
And the brown nuts fall
At the wind's loud call,
For this is the Fall of the year.

Good-by, sweet flowers!
Through bright Summer hours
You have filled our hearts with cheer
We shall miss you so, 
And yet you must go,
For this is the Fall of the year.

Now the days grow cold,
As the year grows old,
And the meadows are brown and sere; 
Brave robin redbreast 
Has gone from his nest,
For this is the Fall of the year.

I do softly pray
At the close of day,
That the little children, so dear,
May as purely grow
As the fleecy snow
That follows the Fall of the year.