11 May 2013

Bath Time In Halifax

Someone is starting to enjoy the finer things in life: like a new box of Princess underwear (we're all but fully potty trained these days), a back rub and a hot soak in the bath before dinner... It seems we aren't too afraid of the Camera these days either...

Open Halifax

Just got back from a day of sampling Halifax's finest in the annual 'Open Halifax' event.

Coffee, burgers, homemade lemonade, and fantastic seafood chowder. There was even a bunch of Lego to play with outside the public library. Fun!

After all the excitement, we took a bit of time out of our busy schedule, to wind down a bit by getting 'Gonged'!

Best of all, after all the running around the streets and doing cartwheels on the Citadel, we headed down to Dee Dee's for a scoop of ice-cream. Yum!

Great day out with the girls. 

My Dad and Jody Won Da Race

Jody and I have just recovered from the 24hr Eco-Endurance Challenge hosted by Halifax Regional Search and Rescue. After stomping through the pits of hell (manifesting itself in the form of Hurricane Juan storm damage), we emerged victorious, crossing the Finish line the next day in first place (for the Recreational Division).
What greeted us there, were two Angels: one nosily poking through the SAR Team's Incident Command Vehicle (Michelle), and the other waving a Canadian flag to spur on her exhausted old man (Charlotte).
Needless to say, the tattered old flag from our back garden was quickly replaced by Dad's Gold Medal!
Cheers for the moral support kid. Let's go to TimPortance.
Dad, xx 

08 May 2013

Are You Five-Enough?

The other night whilst getting ready for bed, Tig got distracted with the top button of my shirt. She wanted to practice doing it up, but after three brave attempts, she decided she couldn't do it, and finally gave in.
"Keep trying, kid," I said, trying to encourage her along.
"Nope," she answered. "I'm not five-enough. I'm only three!"
To redeem her sense of accomplishment, we took a few extra moments to coach her through putting on her jammys ~ all by herself...
How do you measure your success in life?
Are you five-enough?

07 May 2013

Magic Haircut

It has been well over seven weeks since my last haircut, so I'm lookin' a little ragged, to say the least.
'I need a haircut this week, I think.' Say I. More to myself than to anybody else.
Tig locks onto the subject, 'You gonna get your hair cut long like me, Daddy?' (Twirling her pony tails).
It doesn't get any cuter than that.