16 March 2016

Quote of the Day

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with 'Th'...
"We give up!"
Answer: Thingers. 
"Don't you mean, Fingers?"
No. Th... Th... Thingers! (You know, like Thingers and Thumbs).
~ Charlotte

Quote of the Day

Hey, Mom... Daddy? What are we having for dinner, Mommy?

Quote of the Day

Guess what, guys. Sometimes when I cough a little bit - it means I'm gonna burp.

Quote of the Day

C'mon guys. We're off to the Moon, on a silver spoon!

Quote of the Day

You get what you get, and you don't get upset.
~ Charlotte

14 March 2016

Quote of the Day

If you chew your lip in your sleep, it feels funny when you wake up in the morning.
I did that last night.
~ Charlotte