26 January 2013

A Train Set In The Attic

Those of you not from Halifax, NS, you may be interested to hear that there is a wonderful model train set situated on the ground floor of the IWK Children's Hospital. 
     Not only is there a model train, but the entire ward has been outfitted with train symbology: everything from train track floor tiles, to information fliers on the Trans Canada railway tours stapled to the walls.

Charlotte is lucky enough to have an Uncle and Aunt with just as impressive a train set in the attic of their house. Co-incidentally, this particular model was painstakingly assembled by David who also happens to volunteer his time looking after the model train set at the IWK.

A quick peek at Charlotte enjoying her Uncle David's very own personal train station.
     If model trains interest you, then check out the short video I borrowed below, of the setup at the hospital--from the image above, you can see they have recently introduced a model helicopter.

Model trains in the entrance at the IWK Children's Hospital in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 
The trains run from 9 to 11am Monday to Friday. Note: Above film taken Feb 16, 2011.

First Trip to the Dental Nurse

She's got a toothbrush that makes a whirring sound.
A chair that goes up and down.
A bright light.
Some sharp scary things.
A sucky thing.
Lots of mirrors, and
Funny models of giant teeth...
...but she gives you a toy, some stickers, and even a free toothbrush.
Maybe the Dentist isn't so scary after all.
Well done Tig. You were really brave.

Bed Time Story (For When Time Is Short)

I'll tell you a story,
about Jack and Nori,
and now my story's begun.
I'll tell you another,
about Jack and his brother,
and now my story is done!

Charlotte's Third Birthday

After the longest build-up in the whole wide world (waiting for Niccy-Niccy to come and stay), Charlotte finally managed to have her birthday party and turn three.
The night before, we received a number of birthday wishes from New Zealand, and even a special one from Yoko in Japan.
The morning of the 25th, we started the day off with a great birthday greeting from Sam and Sydney to get us into the spirit of the day.
Then, Tig took some cupcakes to Daycare and basked in the glory as all the kids sang happy birthday.
Mum, Dad, and Niccy-Niccy were a little late arriving at Day Care in the afternoon, so some of the kids had already left before we got there. This upset Charlotte a little bit, because we had all promised her we would come over in the afternoon and make a fuss of her in front of her friends. (I'm sorry kid. I know you were disappointed and our/my tardiness made you cry. I promise I will try and make it up to you somehow kid. I really will).
     Tig's disappointment didn't last long, and after a quick tour of the Paddington Playstation, we headed over to Nanny's house and set off for our favourite Japanese restaurant the Wasabi House. Unfortunately, a small fire in the kitchen saw that shop temporarily boarded up, so we missed out of Takeshi's favourite sushi--by the way, if you're thinking it's weird taking a three year old out for sushi on her third birthday, you haven't seen Charlotte drink miso soup...
With the Japanese restaurant off the menu, we dived across the street to the King Wah to escape the -17 deg C temperatures that were causing us all to lose our sense of humour. After an hour of trying to stop Tig from sticking chop sticks up her nose whist blowing bubbles in her beef soup, we headed home to open presents and light the candles and have the birthday cake that Mum made.
Her haul this year was quite impressive:
  1. She got a Tiffanys locket from Nanny.
  2. Nana Niccy got her some Margaret Mahy books from New Zealand.
  3. Sean and Di gave her a Kiwi jigsaw puzzle, some books, and a stuffed lion.
  4. Granddad Mike sent a beautiful Husky toy that responds to story-time, we have since named Rosie-bell.
  5. Aunty Lucy and Uncle Denny sent heaps of Cadbury's chocolate with magic pop rocks.
  6. Mum and Dad took advantage of Charlotte's tendency to clean, and bought her a broom (complete with shovel and brush).
  7. Gumpy and Carolyn sent around a Nemo puzzle which I look forward to doing with Tig after our skating lesson tomorrow afternoon.
  8. Aunty Marg sent a book, some stickers and some other neat wee nick nacs. 
  9. Granddad Kim... well, he doesn't even know when his own birthday is, but I'm sure he's thinking about Tig in his own way...
By the way, we finally managed to persuade Tig to sit still for a candid photo:
In addition to her broom, we also gave Tig a magic wand to follow on from the Magician theme happening at Lilly's birthday earlier in the month.
Finally, hot off the press from the Duty NCO's barracks on RNZAF Base Woodbourne came this little beauty from Sean (aka Dumby) in sunny Blenheim.
This is what I do best as duty officer at Woodbourne on a Saturday. May her year be filled with adventure and excitement (as well as challenging the authority of he parents...)!!!
Love, The Donaldson's.
Needless to say, there were many gifts and plenty of birthday greetings from Halifax and all around the world - so thank-you, thank-you, thank-you to all of you for acknowledging the offspring.
Three is going to be a good year I think.
Happy birthday Charlotte.
Love, Mum & Dad.

Discovery Delirium

Located in downtown Halifax, the Discovery Centre is Nova Scotia’s only hands-on science centre. With a mission to make science interesting, enjoyable and interactive, some say "It’s the smartest place to play!" As far as Tig is concerned, it's the best place to go to run around, build towers, and knock them down...
...check it out, she had a blast!

Charlotte's first cinema experience: 'The Life Cycle of a Butterfly'

Niccy-Niccy's Snow Angels

Niccy-Niccy was a little bit anxious right before getting on the plane to Canada, and rightly so. International travel has become so common place these days, but when you stop and actually think about the distance she was about to travel, on her own, it's enough to make anybody giddy. 
I myself have always found that I often wake up at 4am someplace in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and realize that the only thing between me and plummeting 30,000 feet into the wild black oggin, is a million nuts and bolts and moving parts, all supplied by the lowest bidder.
     Anyway, she made it; and in one piece might I add. Nana Niccy was coming for Charlotte's birthday and a taste of the 'Great White North'. Charlotte has been waiting with baited breath for Niccy-Niccy to show up: if nothing else, than for the realization that when the Kiwi Nana finally shows, a certain 2 year old gets to blow out candles and tell everyone that she's three!
     There will be a specific post for Charlotte's birthday, but the following is a brief photo diary of some of the highlights of the trip:

Doing some colouring with Niccy-Niccy
Braving the Canadian Winter...
...by tackling the slopes!
Enjoying some playtime before dinner.
And just doing the normal things.

Yoko & Takeshi Come to Stay

For a few brief days between Christmas and New Year, we were honoured to receive two very special guests: Yoko from Japan, and her son Takeshi from Boston, USA where he is presently attending school.

Takeshi had stayed with us back in September 2012, but this was the first time in Halifax, and indeed Canada for Yoko. And let me tell you, it was such a great visit... Charlotte remembered Takeshi right away, and although there was a small amount of hesitation that seems common place with little girls her age, there came a more powerful urge to hit Takeshi up for a game of Angry Birds on his iPad with the broken screen.

Yoko on the other hand, was brand new, so Tig took a little longer to warm up to having yet another stranger staying in the house. No matter, it didn't take long before both Yoko and Charlotte totally warmed up to one another - in fact, if I didn't know any better, I'd almost say that Charlotte has scored herself a third Nana.

With only three days and nights together, it was difficult for us to give Yoko and Takeshi a meaningful tour of Halifax, but as with any visit from family, it was more about coming together and reconnecting with one another.

By the end of their visit, Charlotte had fallen in love with Yoko and back in love with Takeshi. I think Takeshi enjoyed a bit of a relaxing time after working so hard last year, and prepared himself for his final semester at Boston University. Yoko had a small taste of the Canadian snow, and reconnected with the Fraser family, and I managed to have a great catch up with both of our special guests.

Based on Michelle's reaction, it won't be long before we decided to pack ourselves off to Yokohama for a visit when Charlotte is a little bit older and can remember the sights and sounds.

23 January 2013


We've done it - Charlotte and I have finally hit the rink for a little spot of "I-skatink."
I was left to fend for myself!
...whilst Mum hit the rink with Tig, helping her master the double bladed skates.
The Canadian kids receive their first intravenous injection of Maple Syrup!
It was great to have John and Owen from next door along for the ride as well...
Then off to "TimPortance" for some "Timpits." Skating is sooo much fun.