As Charlotte is set to celebrate her 3rd Birthday in less than two weeks, I'm amazed at how much her vocabulary has increased in a years time. My favourite is her made up word: "whobody", which works surprisingly well in many situations, I've considered using it myself.
The top 10 (or 11):
"Who's that one guy?" (pointing at a stranger in a restaurant).
"Want to do a puzzle with me? It'll be real good fun!" - when Takeshi and Yoko were visiting Halifax at Christmas time.
"I'll hold him down-let's do this"! - whilst wrestling with Dad upstairs. Mum holding a pair of tweezers.
"Whobody bought that one for you?" - asking about Michelle's necklace.
"It's pie time! Come on guys, it's pie time!" - thanksgiving at Deb's in Fredericton.
"Thank-you Charlotte". Her replay, "I welcome."
When doing something she thinks she shouldn't, or even when she outright knows she is being scalded. "Are you happy Mum/Dad?" Moving to look us directly in the face. "Mum/Dad, you happy?"
"I NOT a baby! I a Big Girl, me."
"No, Iiiiiiii do it!!"
"'C-H-A-R-L-O-T-T-E' Spells me!" - having fun spelling her name from memory.
Dad corrects her, "'C-H-A-R-L-O-T-T-E' spells Charlotte".
"No it not." says Charlotte, (big grin).
Dad replies, "'C-H-A-R-L-O-T-T-E' Spells me?"
Charlotte counters, "No me!"
"Missus. Hey, Missus! Dad wants you." - used to get Mum's attention when she seems to not be paying attention (sometimes on her own, but often egged on by Dad).