26 January 2013

Yoko & Takeshi Come to Stay

For a few brief days between Christmas and New Year, we were honoured to receive two very special guests: Yoko from Japan, and her son Takeshi from Boston, USA where he is presently attending school.

Takeshi had stayed with us back in September 2012, but this was the first time in Halifax, and indeed Canada for Yoko. And let me tell you, it was such a great visit... Charlotte remembered Takeshi right away, and although there was a small amount of hesitation that seems common place with little girls her age, there came a more powerful urge to hit Takeshi up for a game of Angry Birds on his iPad with the broken screen.

Yoko on the other hand, was brand new, so Tig took a little longer to warm up to having yet another stranger staying in the house. No matter, it didn't take long before both Yoko and Charlotte totally warmed up to one another - in fact, if I didn't know any better, I'd almost say that Charlotte has scored herself a third Nana.

With only three days and nights together, it was difficult for us to give Yoko and Takeshi a meaningful tour of Halifax, but as with any visit from family, it was more about coming together and reconnecting with one another.

By the end of their visit, Charlotte had fallen in love with Yoko and back in love with Takeshi. I think Takeshi enjoyed a bit of a relaxing time after working so hard last year, and prepared himself for his final semester at Boston University. Yoko had a small taste of the Canadian snow, and reconnected with the Fraser family, and I managed to have a great catch up with both of our special guests.

Based on Michelle's reaction, it won't be long before we decided to pack ourselves off to Yokohama for a visit when Charlotte is a little bit older and can remember the sights and sounds.

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