25 January 2015

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up, Charlotte?

Sometimes, on the drive into work, Michelle and I will ask Charlotte what she wants to be when she grows up. Quite often, she gets confused between 'What she want's to be', 'What she wants to do', and 'What she wants for her upcoming birthday, but for the most part, her mind is fairly clear, and is well set on some of the things she wants.

As Charlotte snores upstairs on what is the last night being four, and the first night being five; I thought I'd share with you her answer from last Thursday, on our long drive into Kari's before work.

Dad: "So, Charlotte. What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Charlotte: "Well, I want to work in the Dalplex Fun Zone with my whole family, I want to be a ballerina, and when I'm five, I want to go to the Moon (on a silver spoon). Also, once I've been a ballerina, I want to become a big sister to my cousin Amelia, and hang out with my friends. (Pauses to think). Ummm..."

Charlotte cont'd: "Oh, and I want a trampoline for my birthday, and bunk beds from Costco, in case Amelia comes - that way, she and I can play."

So, there you have it. Out of the mouths of babes.

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