05 April 2014

On Our Way - NZ Beckons

Well, we're sitting in Halifax Airport, bags packed  and all ready and rearing to go.
    We admired all the Hello Kitty luggage we likely will never own, and made a wish in the fountain at the terminal.
    our fan-dangled NEXUS cards, we bypassed everyone in the security line, only to find ourselves confronted with an ominous looking monster: the X-ray machine.
Getting ready for being x-rayed, we emptied our pockets and made sure everyone had a boarding pass. 
    Charlotte was a little nervous and wanted to know if her teeth and eyeballs were made of metal, but a quick nod from the Secuity Officer let her know she was okay to procede.
    Dad went first, and Charlotte stayed behind with Mum. Then the man waved us all through and here we are; sitting at Starbucks, sipping our Caramel Macchiato's and dreaming of New Zealy. 

See you all soon you guys, xx
Will, Michelle, and Charlotte.

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