25 January 2012

Early Christmas at G-Margy's Place

After spending lots of times at Nanna Niccy's house eating chocolate and cherries, it was time to go for a visit to Aunty Marg's place, and guess what - Aunty Marg had even more chocolate and cherries... and a beautiful roast dinner of pork and lamb and veges. Then there was the sweets, did I mention the sweets?
There were chocolate eclairs, ambrosia and even chocolate coins. Man, there was sooo much yummy food.
After dinner, I needed to walk it off so I went for a look around Marg's wonderful garden. It was like a secret garden. There were goldfish ponds and a creole statue; wind chimes and sparkles as far as the eye could see... (which isn't very far when you're only little like me).
Then, as if things couldn't get any cooler than they had already been - Marg introduced me to her turtles.
I specially liked the dancing turtle. I might ask Mum for one when I get home.
Thanks Aunty Marg. I had such a good time at yours, xxooxx
love Charlotte.

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