20 April 2020

HAIKU - Climbing Tree


Like my maple tree.
Climbing my tree is the best.
It is beautiful.

12 April 2020

Pūrākaunui Easter Egg Hunt

Today I went to the beach. At the beach, there is a swing. It was SUPER high! After we went to the beach, my dad made an Easter egg hunt, but then forgot where he put them... So, we searched for them together. ~ Charlotte.

09 April 2020

HAIKU - Pavlova


The oven is hot.
‘Don’t open the door,’ I said.
The pav will go flat.

HAIKU - Gardening


Out in the glasshouse,
I planted red micro-greens.
Sprouted already!

HAIKU - Tired


Stayed up late last night.
Ugh! Seventh night this week. Sigh.
Napping on the couch.

05 April 2020

HAIKU - Home-schooled


Dad is teaching me.
He gets distracted by work.
I just want to play!

HAIKU - Beach Golf


I like playing golf.
Rabbit droppings on the green.
Seven over par!

HAIKU - Dessert


Jelly is wobbly.
It goes good with choc-late cake.
Hockey-pokey. Yum!

03 April 2020

HAIKU - Dolls


I do not like dolls.
They are creepy, ghostly things.
Dolls are not for me.

02 April 2020

HAIKU - The Mountain


Up the slope we went.
My dad pulled me up the hill.
My leg really hurts.

01 April 2020

HAIKU - Water


Water is so wet.
I like to play in water.
The ocean is loud.

31 March 2020

HAIKU - Quarantined


Today, I am bored.
The weather sucks. We're inside.
I hate "C"-Nineteen.

30 March 2020

HAIKU - Apples


My name is Charlotte.
I like red apples. Yum-scrum!
I really like them.

29 March 2020

HAIKU - Myself


My name is Charlotte.
I am ten years old. Whoo-hoo!
I like to eat food.

  • A Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five.
  • Traditionally evoking images of the natural world.
  • A poem in English written in the form of a haiku.

26 March 2020

NZ2020 - Homeschooling

My summary of today is: Today, I made a hut in the forest behind my grandmother's backyard. After we planted some seeds, then we went to the sleepout to get a desk, so I can do homework.

My parents are home-schooling me because we are stuck inside because of the stupid COVID-19. My subjects are; Math, English, French, Reading, Writing English, Writing French.

My dad thinks I should write Haikus (like Ricky Baker off 'Hunt for the Wilderpeople'). I'm bored.

07 March 2020

Quote of the Day

”Mum, can I take my own toilet paper to school?”
”Really? Why?”
”Because the school toilet paper is really thin and it hurts my butt!”

The struggle is real.

29 January 2020

New Boots

Charlotte's new boots. On sale. She paid for them herself.

Quote of the Day

“You know? If you really look into their souls—they’re quite miserable people!”
~ Charlotte (watching YouTube Kids Tutorials)