18 October 2017

Quote of the Day

"Dad. One day I was at the public library, and I saw a girl get arrested.
I saw her butt crack and her shoe fell off!”

15 October 2017

Quote of the Day

"Hey, Dad. If you plug your nose for a very long time, can you make it so that you can’t smell anything anymore?”

Quote of the Day

"I love that you can get rocks that are shaped like hearts. They’re love rocks.”

08 September 2017

Quote of the Day

"I just saw a bird, with a MASSIVE beak...
...either that, or it had a carrot!"

25 August 2017

Quote of the Day

"Sometimes, when I look really hard at my nose, everything goes double."
"...oh, and I can lift my leg over my head!"

07 August 2017

Eleventy-First Natal Day Road Race

On your marks...

Get set...


* * * * *
3.2km and 25mins later...

We're done! Home for tea and medals.
(Actually, it was off to Tim Hortons' for a medium Double-double, Strawberry-Banana Smoothie, and a Four-Cheese Begal, toasted, with butter :)
* * * * *

6th in her age-group, 6-7 years old. Well done, Tig!

29 July 2017

Circus Camp & The Big Bang Theory

In our previous post we uploaded some pictures of Charlotte's Circus Camp with Willy Badger.

What we didn't mention, is that the premise of their show was kept fairly secret until the big event on Friday afternoon.

We did manage to get some information out of Tig. She told us:

"I cant tell you, because it's secret; but I can tell you that it's set in the 1700's, about four or five months before the big bang. Did you know? They didn't have electricity then, and they couldn't even microwave a pizza."

Michelle and I were in stiches.

As it turned out, it the show was set in 1917, just a few a few months before the Halifax Explosion, and had nothing to do with the Georgian period or the creation of the universe at all.

At least she was right about the pizza!

Circus Camp - Willy Badger

The third week of Summer started off with Charlotte making juggling batons for her Friday performance of Circus Camp, hosted by the wonderful, Willy Badger: http://www.willybadger.com/.

We'll let photos of the performance speak for themselves...

Wonderful show. Such a great time had by all!

Art Camp - Maude Lewis

Charlotte has been enjoying her Summer, beginning with Art Camp, where she explored her inner Maude Lewis with this little gem.

Here's the original. They say immitation is the highest form of flattery!

Topical with the movie on Maude Lewis just come out:

Art runs in the family.

Carnival Craziness

Today, was the best day, in the whole, wide, world!

27 July 2017

Quote of the Day

"Hey, guys. Do you want to know something? Dad's 'maybe' always means 'yes', and Mum's 'maybe' always means 'no'. So... yeah!"

01 July 2017

Drowned iPhone

We received a message from our friend Deb the other day that read:
"Hi there. My phone is dead. It went swimming with me accidentally...
...If you need me, please call Philip or Lucy."

Upon hearing this news, Charlotte replied,
"Maybe we should just call her phone, and then she can go in the water and look for the bubbles..."

Quote of the Day

"So, how come we have ankles?"

30 May 2017

Quote of the Day

(After realizing she had confused Reese's Pieces with Ritz Crackers) ...

"I forget a lot of stuff sometimes. Like, I even forget what a caterpillar is. One time, I even forgot how the alphabet goes, because we don't sing it as much anymore."

Quote of the Day

"Gears, before beers!"

23 May 2017

Quote of the Day

Will: "Hey, Tigga, how was your day?"
Charlotte: "Good. Although we had a power cut at school this morning."
Will: "So what did you guys do all day? Sit in the dark?"
Charlotte: "Yup. And the teacher had to open the window-sheets!"
~ Charlotte 
window-sheets ~noun
1. a fabric covering removed from the opening in the wall of a building, for the admission of air or light, or both, during mid-day power cuts.
2. also known as blinds.

02 May 2017

Quote of the Day

"We had a 'stub-sti-tute' teacher today, so I got to speak English allll day!"
~ Charlotte 

Quote of the Day

"How come I can feel my heartbeat in my butt?"
~ Charlotte 

12 February 2017

23 January 2017

Quote of the Day

This morning while getting dressed for school: "Did you know tomorrow is my birthday-eve?!" 

There is nothing like those excruciating last few days before turning 7 years old!